The CFGC Wellness Program is operated without county funds and provides direct and in-direct services to our Southeast Los Angeles County community at large, including program support for children’s mental health services. The following are types of services and program support that would be funded through this program:
Mental Health Consultation to Schools and Community Organizations
Training and Education to Schools and Community Organizations on Mental Health Issues
Mental Health Screening/Resource Development/Case Management/Short term Treatment
Mental Health Awareness and Parent Education Training
Agency Staff Wellness and Burnout Prevention Program
Professional Development and Training Program
Community Presence and Access to Care
Existing Programs
Teen Parent Program

The Teen Parent Program (TPP) is a joint effort between Community Family Guidance Center and ABC Unified School District to ensure that the needs of their pregnant or parenting teens and their families are being met. Screening and assessment are provided for each student. Short term supportive services can also be provided, as needed. A case manager is available to assist the teen in accessing helpful resources. At Tracy High School, monthly class presentations on special topics such as career goal setting, child abuse, positive discipline and post-partum depression are also provided. There is no insurance needed or fees associated with
this program.
Our Communities, Our Schools

Through ongoing communication and development of relationships with local school personnel, CFGC was able to recognize a need for mental health services in a location that is accessible to more families with transportation difficulties and other barriers to receiving therapy services. Our Communities, Our Schools (OCOS) was created between CFGC and Bellflower Unified School District to allow for direct school referrals and on site mental health services for their students. Clinicians at CFGC are able to reserve a portion of their week to provide mental health services at dedicated school sites. This system has been so effective, we have been able to duplicate it with other schools in other districts.
Su Casa Program

Community Family Guidance has teamed with Su Casa to provide mental health services to the residents of their Transitional Domestic Violence Shelter. Clinicians from CFGC are able to provide on-site mental health and case management services, as well as to offer office-based psychiatric services to both the adults and children who currently reside at the shelter. Focus of treatment is to educate the family about domestic violence and its effect on everyone in the family as well as to reduce symptoms related to the trauma of
DV exposure.
Families First Program

It is widely recognized that prevention and early intervention is a key component of a child’s healthy and successful functioning throughout their childhood. Community Family Guidance Center and Norwalk La Mirada Unified School District Preschool Programs have formed an alliance dedicated to early identification and intervention with potential mental health needs in children participating in their Head Start Programs. Clinicians and a case manager work on-site with children and their families to address any mental health needs both directly and through resource referral. Classroom observations and teacher consultation are utilized to decrease disruptiveness in classroom settings. Trainings are also conducted with the preschool staff to increase education around mental health issues as well as provide support and interventions to decrease classroom burn out.