Using DoNotReply in Outlook
Create a new email
Go to From (if this field is not available in your email, go to options, click on From
Click on From
Choose DoNotReply@cfgcenter.com (if it's there)
If DoNotReply@cfgcenter.com is not there then choose "Other Email Address" it will bring up the following....
Choose DoNotReply and click OK
Saving your view (very handy)
If you currently like the way your email is setup and don't want anything to happen to settings so that email would be presented differently let me suggest the following.....
Click on view......
Choose the setting as below but give your view a different name. You can name it Tims view if you want but ..... nevermind
Now if your email view becomes disrupted, you can go to View, and change view and select the view that you created and it should go back to your desired results......
Adding a new calendar to Outlook
(and sharing it)
Why would you need a new calendar? Well maybe you manage a group of people and you want to share a calendar for this group but you don't want them to have access to your personal calendar.......
To Begin....
Open Outlook
Go to the calendar section
Click on +Add Calendar and then Create New Blank Calendar (see below)
Give it a name and click Ok (see below)
Click on Share Calendar and choose the calendar you want to share
Click on Add..... and then choose the user, multiple users or group that you want to share the calendar with. Then Click OK.
Choose the permissions you want to give out to your group and Click Ok
Moving Sidebar to bottom
Currently the sidebar shows on the left side. In the past it was always on the bottom of page, but with updates to Outlook got moved the side. To move it back to the bottom follow directions.
Click on File up on top.
Click on Options towards the bottom Click on Advanced
Deselect "Show Apps in Outlook"
Click Ok
Restart Outlook
It is now on the bottom.
Faxing from Outlook
The faxing instructions are as follows:
GoToConnect E-FAXING Instructions:
Create an email with the TO field below:
FaxNumber@communityfamilyguidancecenter.fax.onjive.com -
In the SUBJECT line type the following: 0348429938 Fax Title
Note: The # 0348429938 is CFGC’s unique identifier for the efax system. It must be in the subject line of all efaxes. The Fax Title can be whatever you’d like. Please be sure to have a space between the 0348429938 and the Fax title. The fax titles are optional, but the # 0348429938 is required.
To: 8332013940@communityfamilyguidancecenter.fax.onjive.com
Subject: 0348429938 Test Fax -
Finally, attach the document you wish to fax as a .pdf, .jpg, .tiff, .png, .bmp, .gif, .rtf, .txt, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx
Lastly, please make sure your email body is blank. Please delete any email signatures or they will be included in the fax.
How to get Outlook to stop automatically adding Microsoft Teams invites
whenever you do a calendar invite/add an individual
From Outlook, open the File Tab and look for your personal link to access your account on a web browser
From here, look for the Settings Icon in the top right corner:
Click below where it shows View All Outlook Settings
From here, go to Calendar, and to Events and Invitations and Uncheck the box that shows Add online meeting to all meetings then SAVE the setting in the bottom right corner
Last, and most important part, close out all windows and restart your computer for the changes to take effect. From here on out, they shouldn’t auto-populate anymore 😊
If you still needed to make a Teams meeting though, the option is still available to do so on the Outlook app’s calendar tab (see below).