We specialize in children's mental health treatment and provide comprehensive short-term prevention and early intervention, non-intensive and intensive program services.
All services are client and
family centered.
Children and young adults 0-20 years old, with Medi-Cal Insurance and when funding allows, those with
no insurance.
There is no cost for eligible minors. We are funded by the Los Angeles Department of Mental Health and
the Department of Children and
Family Services.
Outpatient Programs
Non-Intensive Outpatient
Designed for minors 0-21 years old who need more than early intervention services, weekly individual and family therapy, psychiatric medication support, community linkage,
and additional services. For most non-intensive services,
we meet with clients once a week.
Intensive Outpatient
For clients who are experiencing marked emotional, behavior, social and environmental challenges and maybe in crisis or experiencing high risk behaviors. Our intensive team of mental health professionals and para-professionals can provide multiple visits a week and 24 hour crisis intervention assistance.
Non-Intensive Programs
Prevention and Early Intervention
Designed for clients who can benefit from short-term mental health treatment. All programs address a common mental health problem, are grounded in clinical evidence based research, and require special training and certification.
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
TF-CBT helps clients reduce the impact of traumatic events.
Managing and Adaptive Practices (MAP)
Provides clients with skills to reduce disruptive behaviors, depression, anxiety, trauma, inattention, and hyperactivity.
Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP)
This service treats children 0-5 and their parents together, to overcome the impact of trauma. Therapeutic sessions include the child and parent or primary caregiver. The primary goal of CPP is to support and strengthen the relationship between a child and his or her caregiver as a vehicle for restoring the child's cognitive, behavioral, and social functioning.
Crisis Oriented Recovery Services (CORS)
This is a short-term intervention program designed to provide immediate crisis intervention, identify case management needs and link families to resources. Its aim is to resolve or assist with coping of a psycho-social crisis, promote coping strategies and restore client to previous level of functioning.
Triple P Parenting
Triple P is an evidence based parent and family support program that targets prevention and treatment of behavioral and emotional problems in children and adolescents, and aims to increase parenting skills and confidence. Triple P is normally delivered in 3 sessions.
Individual Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Centered on the client’s thinking and behavioral patterns that may be interfering with daily functioning (ages 16 -21 and caregivers).
Reflective Parenting Program (RPP)
A 10 week group that provides parenting skills and forms a link between feelings, behaviors and actions expressed by young children.
Parent Child Interactive Therapy (PCIT)
For children 2-7 years old and their caretaker; this model focuses on positive parenting skills, improves attunement and attachment.
Intensive Programs
Recovery, Resilience and Reintegration Therapy (RRR)
RRR is a specialty mental health services provided to children/youth, ages 0 – 21 years of age, by professionals and paraprofessionals specially trained to recognize and respond to the unique biopsychosocial needs of children/youth. This program includes assessments, traditional mental health services, crisis intervention, case management, and medication support. The intensity, location (community/field or office/clinic) and duration of the service(s) will depend on the individualized need of each client and will likely change over time.
Full Service Partnership (FSP)
The Children’s Full-Service Partnership (FSP) program is a unique intensive in-home mental health service program for children ages 0 – 15 and their families. Child FSP providers are dedicated to working with children and their families to assist them plan and accomplish goals that are important to the health, well-being, safety, and stability of the family. Services may include but are not limited to individual and family counseling, 24/7 assessment and crisis services, and substance abuse and domestic violence counseling and assistance. Services are provided in the language of the families’ choice.